Coveted: A Reverse Harem Urban Fantasy Romance (The Gaia Chronicles Book 2) Page 10
Endo leans down, brushing his nose along my jaw and up the column of my neck to my ear. “Tha édina ta pánta gia na ime mazí sou,” he whispers, and I ask, “What language is that?”
“It’s Greek,” he explains.
“What does it mean?”
“One day.” His kisses the corner of my mouth. “I’ll tell you.”
Endo sits back on his haunches and stares down at me with lust and fire in his eyes. I watch as his fingers slide to the waistband of the sweatpants he let me borrow and slowly drag them down my body.
“What are you doing?” The words catch in my throat. My head telling me this is moving too fast, all while my heart screams 'more', I need more.
“Trust me, Vasilissa,” he says around a faint smile. Discarding the pants, he runs his hands up my bare legs to my hipbone where he bunches the t-shirt up to reveal my smooth stomach. Rubbing his hands together he hovers them over my belly button and I gasp.
“That feels—”
“Good, right?”
He isn’t even touching me, but I can feel the heat radiating from his palm.
“Still cold?” He arches his brow and I press my lips together to stifle a moan as he ghosts his hands over my skin... it’s the most sensual thing I’ve ever felt, and I curl my fingers into his sheets. My whole body is alive, vibrating with need.
“Roll onto your stomach,” he says, and I comply, pulling the hem of the t-shirt down over my butt. Endo chuckles, plucking my hands out of the way and placing them at my sides. He leans down over me and whispers, “Don’t move.”
And then he’s pushing the t-shirt back up, sliding his hands underneath until I feel a tingle of heat at my shoulder blades. His fingers connect this time, waves of warmth flowing through me as he kneads and strokes and traces. He creeps lower, tracing my spine to the small of my back until his fingers drift over the curve of my ass. He lingers there, and I glance over my shoulder to watch him. Fire burns in his eyes as he drinks in my milky skin.
He blinks as if ripped from whatever thoughts are running through his head. Something has changed, and I’m not surprised when he tugs the t-shirt down over my body and says, “Better?”
“Much,” I say trying to ignore the pang of disappointment in my chest.
He comes back to lie beside me, opening his arms for me, I snuggle close, trying to figure out what happened. But before I can even consider the options, a heavy pull washes over me and Endo’s voice sounds distant as he says, “Sleep, Vasilissa. Sleep now.”
After a long day of classes, I spot Cael and Endo and make my way over to them. When I woke in Endo’s arms this morning, I expected it to be awkward. It wasn’t. He gave me space to get washed up before sneaking me out of Canfield-Fisher before sunrise. I didn’t have such a lucky escape when I returned to Earhart. Jesse was coming out of the bathroom as I made my way upstairs, but I ignored her curious glare.
Heads close, voices low, whatever they are discussing looks serious and they don’t notice me until I clear my throat. “What are the two of you talking about?” I fight a smile as Cael’s eyes snap to mine.
“Were you listening, Kitten?”
“Still with the kitten?” I raise my eyebrow and he grins.
“Just the person we were looking for.” Endo slings his arm around my shoulder. “After the last couple of weeks, we think you deserve a night out.”
My eyes widen, glancing from him to Cael. “A night out? They don’t usually end well for me.”
“Because we’ve been playing this all wrong,” he says. “We’ll be right there with you. Both of us. And it’s only movie night at the student center.”
“Movie night?” falls from my lips when really all I can think about is they want to take me out... both of them. Before I can ask what they’re up to Cael says, “Yeah, we thought it would be fun.”
It isn’t the first word to pop into my head.
His eyes fix right on me, and heat licks the inside of my stomach as I remember our kiss. “Given the new development,” he lowers his voice, “We think one of us should be with you at all times. Tonight, you get two-for-one.”
“Let me get this straight.” I shirk out of Endo’s arm and stand in front of them both. “You plan to babysit me twenty-four-seven instead of letting me camp out in my room? How honorable of you.”
Endo’s mouth curves in amusement. “Is the idea of spending time with us that unappealing to you?”
“I...” He’s baiting me. I can see it right there, twinkling in his eyes. He knows I kissed Cael. And now I’ve also kissed him.
Damn him.
“Terra,” Cael reaches for my hand. “We’re trying our best here. This way, you still get to live. To experience college and be a nineteen-year-old girl. But we also know you’re safe. At least until we figure out what the hell happened last night.”
I narrow my eyes, searching for any clue that he knows what happened after they left me with Endo last night. Who I am kidding? Of course he knows. It’s probably what they were discussing right before I interrupted them.
And if he didn’t, he does now thanks to his direct line to my thoughts.
“You’re so cute,” he says around a wide smile and I let out a frustrated groan.
“If you can’t feel whatever is toying with me, how exactly do you plan on keeping me safe?”
Endo’s smirk slips and his expression cools. “We think it was dark magic. Something that’s person specific. It’s the only explanation. I didn’t feel anything at the party the other night. Nothing. I didn’t even sense your panic. It was like you were hidden.”
“Or cloaked,” Cael adds, and I realize they’ve discussed this at great length. Endo runs a brisk hand through his thick hair and I see the glimmer of pain in his eyes.
“It’s not your fault,” I say. “You can’t protect me all the time. There are going to be times when I’m vulnerable.” A deep shudder rolls up my spine at the very idea that this is far from over.
Silence settles over us as the weight of things to come hangs over us. In Elysia, their job is simple: follow Gaia’s orders to protect Earth. But everything has shifted now. They can’t look to me for guidance because I have none. They are a ship adrift and although I’m their anchor, I’m not sure I’m strong enough to withstand the storm on the horizon.
“Terra, what is it?”
“Huh?” I blink at Endo.
“Your energy just lit up like the fourth of July.”
“It did?” My gaze drops and I half-expect to see myself glowing.
Thankfully, I’m not.
“Yeah, what were you thinking?”
“I, hmm, nothing important,” I lie, ignoring Cael’s piercing expression hoping he won’t out me to Endo ... relieved when he doesn’t. “So movie night?” I change the subject. “I guess it could be fun.” Forcing a smile, I tuck a stray wisp of hair behind my ear.
“Does that mean you’ll come?” Endo asks, and all I can say is, “I’ll come.”
“Going somewhere?” Jesse is standing by the front door to Earhart when I make my way downstairs to meet Cael and Endo. She stalks toward me.
“Just to the movie night at the student center.”
“I didn’t have you down as the sharing type.” She flicks her eyes to the guys as they wait at the bottom of the steps.
I bite back my reply, refusing to be drawn into her games. Even though her words affect me more than I care to admit. Without another word, I walk right by her and out of the building. Cael’s eyes light up as I approach them, while Endo’s linger on my face and then sweep down my body. I swear I can feel a trail of heat over my skin.
“We have popcorn, soda, and a bunch of other snacks.” Cael holds up a bag.
Endo crooks his arm and I slip mine through it while Cael walks close to my other side, our shoulders touching. I glance back and see Jesse watching, her face twisted in a disapproving snarl.
“Ignore her.”
It’s Cael who speaks and I meet his eyes with a heavy frown. “Please, get out of my head.”
“Guess you’ll just have to learn to keep your thoughts down.” He winks, and I release an exasperated breath.
When we arrive at the student center, the place is buzzing. They’ve transformed the media room into a cinema, complete with widescreen projector, bean bags and throw pillows. A couple of people say hello to Cael and Endo as we find a space. Endo moves a small leather cube so that it’s up against the wall and I choose a huge squishy beanbag. Cael drops down next to me choosing to sit on the floor, his back against the wall. Everyone else is crammed in haphazard rows in the middle of the room, but the guys have carved out our own little space. And I don’t know if it’s for my benefit, or theirs, but I’m grateful for some privacy.
“Cormack, didn’t expect to see you here.” Omar appears, and I avoid meeting his curious gaze as he glances between me and Cael, and then me and Endo.
“Hey, man. You remember Terra, and this is Endo.”
“I know who he is,” he directs his words at Endo. “Earned yourself quite the rep out on the field last year.”
Endo tenses beside me, but when he talks his words come out smooth and easy. “I was dealing with some stuff.”
“Aren’t we all, my man, aren’t we all? I’ll see you on the track Friday.”
“Yeah,” Cael replies. “Enjoy the film.”
Omar’s eye fix on me as he replies, “You too, Cormack.”
I release a long breath as he walks away and joins his group of friends, and Cael laughs softly. “You worry too much, Kitten,” he says cryptically just as the lights drop plunging the room into darkness. My pulse spikes until I feel an arm brush against mine, and I lift my eyes to Endo’s. “We’re right here” he mouths, and I settle back on my bean bag.
I thought a night of normalcy was exactly what I needed but as the film starts all I’m aware of is the two guys beside me. My eyes move from Endo to Cael and back again. Endo’s simmering gaze is set on the wide screen, his jaw relaxed as he laughs. Cael is quieter, smiling to himself, as if he and the actors on screen are sharing an inside joke. I don’t even hear the words, too entranced by the warmth of their bodies, their overwhelming strength as I sit in the middle of them. They’re both so at ease with the situation while my heart feels like it’s on the Tilt-A-Whirl.
Minutes pass, although it feels like an eternity as I try to focus on anything but the way Endo’s shoulder brushes mine or the way Cael’s pinky lingers dangerously close to my hand. My mind can’t help but wander to the other night when he kissed me. When Endo watched him kissing me. And last night, in Endo’s room… on his bed. The way my body responded to his touch. Before I know it, I’m clenching my legs together, shifting restlessly on the beanbag.
“You okay, Kitten?” Cael tilts his face to mine and whispers.
I mash my lips together and nod, but he studies me before slipping his fingers into mine and sitting taller against the wall, so we’re matched in height. I stare at our joined hands trying to figure out why it feels so right. As if he senses my brain working overtime—and of course he probably does—he sweeps my hair away from my ear and says, “If you don’t pay attention, you’ll miss all the best parts.”
My gaze locks on his and I shoot him a questioning look. His mouth lifts in a smirk and then he surprises me by slipping his arm through mine so we’re even closer. There’s no chance of me enjoying the film now. I’m a girl on the edge, balancing on the precipice of something unexpected... something dangerous.
Something that I know will change everything.
Sol warned me not to toy with them, but here they are, taking the lead. Showing no signs of backing off. And if I’m being honest with myself, I don’t want them to. Being with the guys is the most at home I’ve ever felt. Knowing they understand me. That they know me better than I know myself. Maybe that’s why I feel so okay about this.
Whatever this is.
“See that wasn’t so bad was it?” Cael stretches his arms above his head, showing me a slither of smooth tanned stomach.
“Kitten,” He drawls, and my eyes slide to his. “You’re drooling.”
I duck my head to hide my bright red cheeks.
“Who’s drooling?” Endo reappears from the bathroom.
“No one,” I rush out. “I think I’ll go to the bathroom before we leave actually. Wait for me?”
“Go.” Cael flicks his head down the hall.
“What no guard duty?” They’ve barely left my side since we got here.
“We’ll be right here. Besides, Endo already scouted the hall.”
“You did?” I look at him and he nods, rubbing the back of his neck. I don’t know why I’m surprised. “Fine,” I sigh. “I’ll be right back.”
True to Cael’s word, they stay behind, but I feel their eyes on me as I walk along the hall and disappear inside the bathroom. The automated lights flicker on, a welcomed sign it’s empty. Most of the crowd left straight after the film but Cael and Endo insisted on sticking around to help the student activities committee clean up.
When I’m done, I wash my hands slower than usual, giving myself two-minutes to catch my breath. If anyone asked me if I enjoyed the film, I’d have to lie. It was… tense. And while I know the guys just wanted to give me one night of normal, I’m wound so tight my muscles ache and my head pounds.
Before they come looking for me, I leave the bathroom and make my way back to them. A few people linger in the hallway and I almost collide with a guy who looks as tense as I feel as he hurtles past me. I do a double take, but he’s already gone, the door to the men’s bathroom swinging on its hinges.
“All good?” Endo says, and I nod, tucking my hair behind my ear. “Then let’s get you back before you turn into a pumpkin.”
“Cinderella, really?”
“What? It’s a classic.” His deep rumble of laughter follows me as I exit the student center, and they fall into step beside me, one either side. Like sentries guarding their ward.
“So that was fun, right?” Cael breaks the silence as we take the path that will lead past Allender and on to my building.
“Yeah,” I say not wanting to hurt their feelings.
“I sense a 'but' coming,” he presses, and I glance at him to explain but something stops me. “Terra?”
I stop, pressing a hand to my forehead. “Guys, I don’t feel so good.”
“You don’t? Maybe you ate too much popcorn.”
I throw Cael an ‘are-you-serious’ look. “I feel like I’m burning up.”
“Let me feel.” He reaches for me, his fingers brushing against my skin. I jolt back.
“That felt...” I say, at the same time as he shakes his hand as if he got an electric shock and says, “What the hell was that?”
Endo starts to say something but my world spins. “Guys, I’m—”
“Shit, she’s going down...” is the last thing I hear.
“What the hell happened?” Sol bursts into Ross’ room. When his icy gaze lands on me writhing on the bed, his hardened mask slips. “Someone better start talking.”
“We’re not sure,” Endo speaks up. “One minute she was fine, the next…” I can’t see his face, but I know he’s grimacing.
“Terra, what happened?” Sol approaches the bed, kneeling in front of me.
“I—” Another wave of pain rips through me and I arch off the bed, groaning loudly.
“Shit,” someone murmurs. Cael, maybe Endo. It’s hard to focus on anything but the flames licking my stomach, the searing heat burning me from the inside out.
“Terra,” Sol’s voice is soft as he lays a hand on my forehead. “Can you tell me what happened?”
“I... I don’t know.” My breaths come shallow as I pant, “I met Cael and Endo, we- we went to the student center to watch—” I gasp, clutching my stomach, waiting for it to pass. “To watch a film.”
“She was fine, I swear. We watched t
he film and then started to walk her back to the dorm. We made it to Allender before she said she felt like she was getting sick and bam, she passed out. So we carried her here as it was the closest room,” Cael says. “When she came around she was in agony.”
“You’re burning up.” Sol observes, his eyes searching my face, then moving down my body, no doubt looking for clues of the cause of my situation.
“It’s coming again.” I grab his hand as my eyes slam shut and a guttural roar rips from my throat.
“We need to do something.”
“Maybe we should call Vio—”
“No,” Sol snaps. “No witches.” His free hand ghosts over my clammy skin and down the hollow of my collarbone. Another moan escapes my lips, but this time it isn’t pained, it’s needy.
His cool touch douses some of the fiery pain.
“More,” I rasp, barely able to open my eyes.
“Terra,” he says but I grip his hand tighter and plead. “More.”
With a heavy sigh, he brushes the damp hair from my chest, grazing my skin. His touch is feather-light, at first. As if he’s scared I might shatter beneath it. But it isn’t enough. I snatch his other hand and slam it to my skin. He sucks in a sharp breath and I cry out with relief.
“Make it stop, Sol.” My eyes fly open, capturing his. “I need you to make it stop.”
“Guys, a little help,” he grumbles.
“It’s no good. We tried. But she’s too volatile. Her power almost fried Ross when he got too close and when I touched her, it felt like a hundred-and-twenty-volts to the chest.”
“You’re stronger,” Ross mumbles. “You can ground her.”
“I- I can’t.” He drags a hand down his face, his jaw clenched as he glances to me and back to the guys.
“Sol,” I choke, feeling another wave of agony build. “Please?”
He cusses under his breath and I’m vaguely aware of movement around us. The low rumble of whispers. A door opening. Closing.
And then silence.
Nothing but the sound of his heavy breaths and my rapidly beating heart.