Coveted: A Reverse Harem Urban Fantasy Romance (The Gaia Chronicles Book 2) Page 12
“Oh, okay. So Jesse was—”
“Running her mouth off about things she doesn’t understand.”
Amalia is quiet beside me as we enter the Malcolm Building. I knew this day would come: the questions, the judgment. I guess it’s one of the reasons I’ve been holding back. People won’t understand the bond I share with the guys. Hell, I still don’t understand it. But I know people well enough to know what they would say if they knew. Just thinking it makes my chest constrict. I’ve spent my whole life being judged and ridiculed. To put myself in that situation again would foolish.
Wouldn’t it?
Except, I’m not sure I have a choice. This is bigger than that.
I need them. All of them.
In ways I’ve only just begun to uncover.
“You know Violet has… I mean had a thing for him, right?” Amalia’s words come out of left field. I knew there was something between Violet and Cael—at least for her—but hearing it come from my friend is like a vise around my heart.
“I figured she liked him.”
“She didn’t just like him, Terra.” She grabs my arm and I pause, turning to her. “She was completely smitten. They hung out some last year.”
“She told you that?”
Amalia shakes her head. “I saw them a couple of times.”
“Just be careful, okay? It’s not for me to say who you should or shouldn’t date, but I’d hate to see you get hurt. And Violet is my friend. I think.”
I smile at that. Violet doesn’t strike me as the type to let many people in. But Amalia is missing some crucial pieces of the puzzle.
“I appreciate the warning,” I say hoping to draw a line under this conversation. “But I can look after myself, Amalia.”
She gives me an uncertain smile, retracting her hand. “Well, this is me. Harry said something about meeting tonight, if you’re game?”
“Count me in.”
We say goodbye and I walk to the end of the hall, taking a right to my class. But as I turn, I glance back. I'm hardly surprised when I see Sol leaning against the wall, eyes narrowed right on me. He tips his chin once and I mouth, “thanks for the coffee”. Heart pounding in my chest, I clutch my backpack strap and keep on walking. Content for now knowing that duty or not, in his own way, he cares.
Sol cares.
“Hey, Ross, wait up.” He slows down, and I jog over to him.
“You weren’t in Philosophy earlier. I was worried.”
His eyes flash silver and blue as he rubs his head. “Sol’s got us on a tight schedule.”
“Wouldn’t it be easier to watch me if you were in class?” I raise a brow.
“Cael was in the building.” He looks over my shoulder and I glance back just in time to see a flash of blond disappear down the path. When my eyes settle back on Ross, he adds, “I had to take care of some things off campus.”
“Oh.” Something isn’t right. It isn’t in what he is saying but more what he’s not saying. “I missed you,” I say trying to smooth over whatever is hanging between us.
“I really should go, Terra.” His cool gaze dances around my face, around the trees over my shoulder, but never lands on my eyes.
And then it hits me.
He can’t look at me.
“Ross?” I step closer, forcing him to acknowledge me. “Is this about last night? I thought—” The words whoosh from my body as he takes my hand and pulls me around the side of the building.
“What are you doing?” I snatch my arm back and glare at him.
He starts pacing, rubbing his temples.
“Ross, what is it? Talk to me.”
“I couldn’t help you. You were hurting, and I couldn’t help you.” He stops dead, lifting his pained gaze to mine. “You were in pain, Terra, and I couldn’t help you.”
“That’s what this is about?” I close the distance between us again and slide my hand into his.
“I’m not going to lie, Ross. Last night is a crazy blur of agony and confusion. But I remember what Cael said. He said you couldn’t help. None of you could. I was too volatile. It is not your fault. Please don’t blame yourself.”
His eyes flicker shut on a long breath and he drops his head to mine. “I failed you, Terra.”
“Ross.” I lift my hand, tentatively reaching for him, palming his cheek. His eyes snap open, pinning me with their intensity. “You can’t always save me.”
He swallows, unacceptance glittering in his eyes and starts to look away, but I coax him back to me. “I am fine. A little shaken, yes. But I’m starting to realize this is just the beginning. I am meant for something bigger. Bigger than college and classes and a normal life. And as crazy as it is, I think I’m okay with that. But I need you, Ross. I need all of you.”
I want to kiss him.
The idea hits me like a freight train. But Ross isn’t like Cael and Endo. And I don’t want to ruin things. Looping my arms around his waist, I bury my face into his chest. “I need you,” I whisper. “So don’t flake out on me now.”
His arms slip around me, pulling me closer. “I’m sorry. I just…”
“I know.” I peek up at him. “But I need you to know, what happened last night doesn’t change anything, okay?” There’s a double meaning to my words. I’ve spent all day wondering—worrying—how what happened with Sol might affect things with the other guys. Cael seemed fine. And I know Endo will probably crack some inappropriate joke about it to clear the air. Deep down though, Ross’s inner turmoil goes deeper than that.
“I’m not choosing, Ross.” I don’t know why I say the words but as soon as they’re out, I feel lighter. As if choosing not to choose is the right thing. “I think it’s pretty obvious we all share a connection but it’s more than that for me. I feel something for each of you.”
His arms tighten around me and he goes rigid. But I’m not backing down now. “I know there’s still things you haven’t told me, and that’s okay. I’ll be here. When you’re ready, I’ll be right here.”
I let my words sink in. After a minute or two, Ross eases back but doesn’t let go of me and just stares at me.
“What?” I start to blush.
“You’re incredible.”
My cheeks go three shades darker. Coming from Cael or Endo, I’d chide them for teasing me but from Ross, it’s different. Because Ross only says something when it’s something worth saying.
“I’m just a girl.” My attempt to deflect his awe-stricken gaze fails and those dark stormy eyes of his remain fixed on me.
“No, you’re not, Terra. You’re so much more.”
It hasn’t escaped me that he hasn’t acknowledged anything I said. Not really. But he will. When he’s ready.
“Do you really have to run more errands for Sol?” My lip lifts mischievously.
He levels me with a serious look. “Why, what are you thinking?”
“It’ll be fun, I promise.”
“Is it going to get me into trouble with him?”
I shrug. “Probably. But you’ll be with me, so it isn’t like I won’t be protected.”
He releases me and thumbs his jaw. “If I say no are you going to do it anyway?”
“Probably.” I fight a grin and he rolls his eyes but when he holds out his hand, I know I’ve won this argument.
Two hours and a hundred failed attempts later, Ross’ door swings open. “You’re in so much trouble, Kitten.” Cael gives me a pointed look.
“I’m fine.”
“Not the point,” Endo says kicking the door shut behind him. The two of them make themselves comfortable while I hover on the chair, focusing on the floor, visualizing myself floating.
“What exactly have you the two of you been doing in here?” Endo asks as Ross lets out an exasperated breath. “Don’t ask.” He runs a hand over his face. “We’ve created a monster.”
“Kitten, chairs are for sitting on. What in the gods names are you doing up there?”
,” I say without looking at them. They’ll only distract me, and I need every ounce of concentration I have.
“Is she going to—”
Too late. I fling myself into the air, smiling like a crazy person when my body seems to suspend above my landing pad: a pile of pillows and blankets Ross prepared for me. After I told him what I wanted to try, he naturally tried to talk me out of it. So I climbed on his chair and did it anyway. After watching me crumple to the floor like a ton of bricks, he finally realized I wasn’t joking and made my landing safer… and softer.
“It worked, I’m—”
The air goes limp around me as I shriek, landing with a soft thud, face down, my arms and legs everywhere.
“Hmm, Kitten, what exactly are you hoping to achieve?” Cael lifts my hair out of my face, peering down at me.
“I thought maybe I could fly.”
“Fly?” He coughs and someone—it sounds like Endo—snickers from the bed.
He helps me up and I dust myself off stretching my shoulder muscles. “I can float feathers and twine. And I held that storm off.” Kind of. But not the point here. “So why not float myself?”
Now that I’m saying it aloud it does sound kind of ludicrous, but if I don’t push myself how I am going to ever know the true extent of my power?
“You went along with this?” He glances back at Ross who shrugs.
“Like I could have stopped her.”
“You’re crazy.” Cael smirks. “And I like it.” He holds out his hand. “Let’s go again.”
“Yeah?” I grin back, slapping my hand in his. He helps me onto the chair and gives me a wide berth.
“I’m going to try something, okay?” I nod, and he continues. “When you’re ready to jump give me a little sign and trust me. Got it?”
Inhaling a deep breath, I center myself. Imagining myself at one with the air. Weightless and untethered. Knees bent gently, I get ready for the big push and shout, “Now.” I propel myself forward, so caught up in the adrenaline coursing through my veins that I almost miss it. But once I latch onto it, there’s no denying what I feel.
His power.
It swirls with my own and although I can’t see it, I visualize it. Ribbons of yellow and red entwining around me. “I feel you,” I breathe out as I swish my arms down by my sides and float higher.
“Holy shit, she’s flying.”
I’m not. I’m hanging. Suspended in the air like a ragdoll. But it’s a start.
Endo is off the bed, eyes wide and alight with fire as he watches me. “What did you do?” he asks Cael who is still fixed on me.
“Pushed my energy into her.”
“I can feel it,” Endo agrees. “It’s different to when we do it, but it’s there. Ross, you feeling this?”
I peek over at him. He’s quiet and still but awe dances in his eyes. “I feel it.”
“She glows. She flies. Is there anything she can’t do?” Endo muses.
“That sounds like a challenge.” I grin as I tread air.
“Terra.” It’s not only Ross who speaks up. Cael does too, and my name sounds like a warning rolling off both their tongues.
“Okay, okay.” I slowly will myself down, landing on shaky feet. “That’s enough practice for today. I wouldn’t want to give anyone a heart attack.” I wink at Cael and a scowl crosses his face.
“It’s a good job you’re cute, Kitten.”
Glancing at my watch, my eyes go wide. “Crap. Is it that late already? I’m supposed to be meeting Amalia and the…” I swallow the words as three sets of eyes narrow on me.
“Not a chance,” Endo folds his arms over his chest. “Sol will—”
“Sol’s not here. Besides, I already told Amalia I’m going.”
“Well un-tell her.”
“I will not. One of you can follow me, and I’ll be safe with Violet and the others. She’s an ally, right?” My words hit their intended target and Cael flinches.
“Kitten, come on, be reasonable.”
I already have my shoes on and my backpack over my shoulder. “Who’s it going to be?”
They look at one another and then back to me. “Fine,” Cael sighs. “But just for the record, I think this is a really bad idea.”
Offering Ross and Endo a small wave, I don’t wait for Cael as I slip out of the room.
“Looking for someone?” Harry is leaning against the wall of the old drama building as I approach.
“Amalia said we were meeting.”
He moves away from the wall and stalks toward me. “Did she now?” His eyes scrape over me and I bristle.
“I know you don’t like me,” I say refusing to let him intimidate me. “What I can’t figure out though, is why?”
His brows quirk up as he studies me. His gaze is sharp, assessing. Like he’s searching for something.
For what, I don’t know.
“I don’t like a lot of people, sweetheart, you’re nothing special. But rumor has it Cael Cormack and Endo Machiavelli think you are.” His mouth twists in an ugly smirk and embarrassment flares through me. But a gust of wind blasts a discarded wrapper at him and I’m the one smirking as he fights to get it away.
I glance around searching for any sign of Cael. He’s close by, I feel him.
“Sorry I’m late.” Amelia joins us. “Mischa had a dress emergency.”
“Mischa.” Harry’s eyes light up. “Now she’s my kind of girl.”
“W-what?” Amalia blanches.
“Yeah.” He grins. “Do you think you could put in a good word for me?”
“Come on.” I slip my arm through hers. “He’s just trying to get a reaction from you.” My eyes cut him with a hard look but Harry winks, my unspoken threat rolling off his shoulders.
“Does he seem to be acting weird to you?” Amalia whispers as we make our way to the auditorium. “What was he saying before I got there?”
“Harry Teller is a jerk. I don’t know what you see in him.”
“Oh no, I don’t—”
“Amalia, it’s pretty obvious you like him. The way you were at the party…”
“Oh God, don’t remind me. I still can’t believe I did that.” She shudders. “It’s so unlike me, but lately I haven’t been able to stop thinking about him. I’m not usually so distracted.”
“Well don’t let him treat you like that, okay?” I cast her a sideways glance. “You deserve more.”
The idea of them together turns my stomach sour. But who I am to judge? As I’m learning, sometimes who we like makes no sense.
When we enter the auditorium, Violet and Greyson are already setting things up. “So what are we doing tonight?” I ask Amalia, paying Harry no attention as he leaps over two rows of chairs to cut in front of us and make his way down to the others.
“Well, now we’ve successfully called the quarters, we should be able to try riskier magics.” Violet says, holding my inquisitive gaze. “Protection spells and consecrations. Summoning spells.”
“Hexes,” Harry adds, and she shoots him a hard look.
“You know that’s not what we’re about, Harry.”
“It was a joke, Vi.” He holds up his hands in surrender. “Lighten up.”
But he doesn’t look like he’s joking. In fact, he looks deadly serious.
“Love spells. I want to try a love spell,” Carlie gives a little clap. “I’ve been trying for months to make Jason Maniford notice me.”
“It’ll take more than a spell to make him see past his giant ego,” Greyson smirks and she flips him off.
Violet gives her a rare smile. “Well, now we know the circle is protected by all four quarters, we’ll be able to experiment more.”
“All thanks to this one.” Greyson slings his arm around my shoulder, pulling me further into the circle. “You were the missing piece to our puzzle.”
“I—” I duck my head. “I don’t know about that.”
“Come on, Terra, you have to
know you’re special,” he croons, and I feel the others watching us.
“You’re embarrassing her, Grey.” Amalia gives me a warm smile. “Come on. I’ll get you up to speed.”
I slip out of Grey’s hold, his hearty laughter rolling off me as Amalia leads me over to Violet and Carlie and they explain tonight’s spells to me. And for the first time since meeting the coven, I don’t feel like I’m on the outside looking in; I feel a part of their group.
Sol and the guys don’t need to worry about me here. With Violet and Amalia in my corner, and the quarters protection, not to mention Gaia’s power growing stronger every second; I know this is one place on campus I’m safe.
The next morning after class, I expect to find Cael or Endo waiting for me. Cael hadn’t made himself known last night when I left the old drama building with Amalia, but I’d felt him not far behind. Watching from the shadows. And he did text me when I got into my room to say he’d see me in the morning for our usual coffee at Beans. So, imagine my surprise when my eyes land on Sol instead.
He approaches me. “We need to talk.”
No 'hello'. No 'how are you?'. Just four little words that speak volumes.
“What happened?” I rush out, but he doesn’t answer. Instead, he grasps my wrist, leading me out of the building. People pretend not to watch but I feel their curiosity. Hear their whispers. Sol doesn’t seem to care. In fact, he doesn’t seem to care about anything but getting me the hell out of here.
“Sol, will you please tell me what’s going on?” I snatch back my hand rubbing at the tender skin.
“Last night while I was out tracking, trying to keep you safe, you met with the witches.”
It isn’t a question, so I don’t bother to answer, pressing my lips together in defiance.
“I thought I told you not to mess around with them?” He growls.
“I’m sorry,” I scoff. “I didn’t realize you were my keeper?”
“Why is everything so difficult with you?” He mumbles and I’m ready to explode but something catches my attention. A familiar ripple in the air. My spine snaps straight. “Sol,” I croak. “Something’s wrong.”