Caged_A Reverse Harem Urban Fantasy Romance Page 2
A wisp of smoke appears, drifting up off my skin.
“That’s it, hold onto it.” Endo shrieks and I can sense him approaching. “Hold your concentration and will it into flames.”
I push out every ounce of energy I can, my body trembling with exertion. The smoke begins to shimmer, taking on an orange and red hue until a single flame bursts into life.
“I did it.” I grin, bringing my palm closer to my face. Heat radiates from my hand.
“See, now I can definitely call you Glow.” There’s a playfulness in Endo’s voice that makes my grin widen. “I want to try something, if you’re game?”
My eyes slide to his and I nod. “What do you have in mind?”
“Remember how Cael pushed his energy into you and helped you tread air? I wonder if I can do the same.”
“What? No way. I don’t want to end up barbecued.”
“Terra, I would never let anything hurt you.” His voice takes on a more serious tone. “You know that, right?”
Pressing my lips together, I nod.
“Okay, extinguish the flame,” he instructs.
I will it gone. It implodes into a puff of smoke. I bring my palm closer, inspecting the unmarked skin. “What now?”
Endo moves around me, and I wonder where he’s going until I feel him behind me. His arm snakes around my waist, hovering for a second until I’m pulled against his chest. “Now,” he whispers at my ear. “We make it rain fire. Focus on your energy Terra. You can do this.”
I want to argue. To tell him that I have no idea how to control the energy inside of me. But inside, I lift my chin and focus. Hands outstretched in front of me, I visualize flames dancing from my fingertips, the heat rushing out of me.
“Now,” he commands, and I expel everything I have.
There’s a moment of stillness, of complete silence, where there's nothing but the gentle breeze dancing through the trees. Until a violent shudder rips through me and embers explode from my fingertips. “Oh my...” I gasp as my whole body trembles.
“You did it, Vasilissa.” Endo presses a kiss to the skin behind my ear and a shiver zips up my spine. But I’m too enraptured by the scene before me. Gliding my fingers up and down, the embers follow creating a fiery pattern.
I’m vaguely aware of Endo moving away from me, and at first, I don’t understand. But when he says, “Let it all out, Terra,” I know what he means. I feel it building inside me. Like a wave rolling into shore on the cusp of breaking. Drawing in a shaky breath, I close my eyes, drop to my knees and slam my hands down into the grass. Heat forces my face up and when I open my eyes, my mouth drops open. There’s a line of fire from where I kneel cutting through the garden.
“Endo,” I cry suddenly overwhelmed.
“Control it, Terra. You made it, you can take it back.” he says calmly, but I feel anything but calm. Blood pounds between my ears as I try to rein in the flames licking three feet into the air.
“Endo,” I repeat. I’m focusing, but nothing is happening; if anything, the flames are growing.
Crouching next to me, Endo whispers something, and slowly, the flames recede until there’s nothing but a charred line in the grass. He stands and offers me his hand. I stand, brushing myself off. “That was...”
“You feed off our energy.”
“W-what?” My eyes widen.
“What did you feel right before I told you to let it go?”
“Powerful,” I admit. I’d felt it, simmering underneath the surface, begging for release.
“Welcome to our world,” Endo replies around a smirk. “But in all seriousness, I suspect we can all feed your power. It’s the connection we share. The history. You know of our anointments?”
“I do.” I’d dreamed about it, and afterward, I’d talked to Ross about what I’d seen. “Gaia anointed you with her blood.”
“She did, binding us to our duty as her Chosen. It makes perfect sense that the bond has carried to you.” A strange look passes over him.
“I’m just thinking.” He rubs his jaw. “To unlock the full extent of your powers, it would make sense you need to take from each of us.”
My gaze drops as warmth flows through me. His words sound harmless enough, but everything comes back to the fact that I feel something for each of them. A truth I can’t escape. When I meet his eyes again, I find my resolve and say, “Do you think I can absorb more than just your elemental powers?”
He frowns, and I explain. “When Cael and I... when we... afterward, I could hear his thoughts. He told you this?” Endo nods. “What if being...” the words lodged in my throat.
“You think when you’re intimate with one of us, you absorb our abilities?”
“I don’t know, it was just a thought.”
I can’t hear Cael anymore which suggests I only absorbed his ability for a short time. Maybe it's because I was with him alone, and the power of the five of us works like a circuit of some kind? I only know the more I'm with them—the more I develop my powers—the more confused I become.
“I am more than willing to test out that theory.” The mischievous glint in his eyes tells me he’s trying to lighten the mood, but now thoughts creep into my mind of a naked Endo and us skin-on-skin. “Joke, I’m joking,” he adds when I don’t respond.
“I know,” I whisper because while Endo is many things, he is a gentleman, and would never push me to do anything I wasn’t ready for.
“Talk to me, Terra. I know this is strange, but we’re all here... for you.” He steps closer, brushing a strand of hair from my face, his emerald eyes glittering with things that make my heart swell. “We have waited so long for you, Vasilissa.”
“Endo, I—”
His lips seal over mine cutting me off. You’d think after kissing Cael only mere hours ago, I’d be thinking about him. About what he’d think if he found me wrapped in his friend’s arms, but my mind is too preoccupied with everything Endo. With the way his five o'clock shadow gently scratches my skin or how his hands bury themselves in my hair softly as if he can’t believe I’m here. Endo swirls his tongue with mine, deep and slow and sure. My stomach clenches, warmth flowing through me.
“Tha edina ta panta gia na ime mazi sou,” he breaks the kiss and stares at me, and while I don’t understand the words, they still make my heart swell. As if she heard them.
Endo leans in; dipping his head, he tilts mine back and begins a sensual exploration of my neck. Licking. Biting. Nibbling. My breath catches, waiting to see what’ll come next. One of his hands slips to the hem of my t-shirt but he hesitates. “Fuck, Terra,” he grinds out pulling away from me, and I shiver at the loss of his body against mine.
“Don’t you...?” I swallow the words, surprised I even considered saying them, but there's just something about all four of them: something different, something more.
“I want to, trust me, I want nothing more. But not here and not now,” he says cryptically, linking his hand in mine. “Come on, we’ve been at this for hours, you must be hungry.”
“I am.” But I’m not sure it’s food I’m hungry for.
“Terra, you need to stop looking at me like that.” He gives me a pointed look before he leads us back to the house.
“Are you ever going to tell me what your other powers are?” I ask, trying to lighten the tension. We reach the door and Endo glances back at me, “All in good time, Vasilissa. All in good time.”
But all I can think is, time is running out.
“Anything?” I ask, the second Cael and Ross return.
“Talk about a homecoming,” Cael says calmly. Almost too calmly. I narrow my eyes at him, waiting for an explanation but it never comes.
“So what? You’re not going to tell me anything?”
“There’s nothing to tell,” Ross speaks up. “Violet confirmed Amalia hasn’t stepped out of line. She even asked about you. She was surprised to find you gone this morning.”
I knew that al
ready, after she’d text me to see where I was. “She thinks I’m visiting family out of state.”
“Good, let’s keep it that way.” Cael raked a hand through his messy blonde hair. “If you can’t return to school Monday, we can use a family emergency as a ruse.”
“You really think it will come to that?”
“At this point, Kitten, anything is possible.”
“Where is Sol?”
“Avoiding me,” I groan, tucking my feet underneath my legs. After training with Endo most of the day, we came inside and he cooked us some dinner.
“Terra, I’m sure that’s not—”
“It’s fine.” Twisting, I stare out of the window overlooking the yard. The sun has almost disappeared over the line of trees, the shadows of night ebbing nearer.
“Guys, maybe we should...” someone says, Endo maybe. I’m too lost in my thoughts to be sure. Too entranced by the sun’s demise in the sky as darkness blankets our little corner of the world.
“Hey, I know, what about a movie? I brought a few with me. Terra?”
My eyes slide to Cael’s, remembering the last time we watched a movie together. Me, Cael, and Endo, and a blur of moving images and sounds I could barely focus on.
“I...” I hesitate. “Why not?” It’s not like I have anything better to do.
“Horror or action? You pick.”
“Let’s stick to action,” I say. I’ve had enough horror stories to last me a lifetime.
“Endo, grab a few blankets from the closet; and Ross, I think there’s popcorn in the kitchen.”
“There is, is there?” My brows quirk up.
“What?” Cael feigns surprise. “I guess the previous occupants liked movie nights too.”
“Hmm, I’m sure they did. Just exactly how did you guys acquire this house again?”
“Less thinking, Kitten, and more arranging.” He points at the cushions and I shake my head with laughter.
“I... hmm...” I stare at Cael and then at the couch wondering what he can possibly mean but then Ross and Endo return, stacks of blankets in their arms.
“Popcorn’s popping,” Ross announces, and I stifle a grin. Those words coming out of his mouth are something I never thought I’d hear.
Cael organizes the three of them. The coffee table in the middle of the room gets moved aside so they can create a giant bed of blankets in front of the couch.
“Terra, make yourself comfy. Ross help me with the snacks.”
They disappear, and Endo loads the movie into the DVD player.
“This all seems very orchestrated,” I say dropping onto the end of the couch.
“We just want to take your mind off things.” He joins me, except he sits down on the floor and pats the space beside him.
“Get down here. Ross will want the couch anyway.”
He will?
Endo takes my hand and tugs me down beside him. I kick out my legs and let him adjust a cushion behind my back. “Better?”
“Thanks,” I reply. “Is Sol still working?”
“Working?” Endo lets out a smooth chuckle. “You’re not a chore, Terra.”
“You know what I mean; is he still watching Amalia?”
“It’s in his nature. He won’t stop until he’s sure you’re safe.”
“But he won’t hurt her, right?”
“Not until we know for certain that she’s the threat, no.” Endo shuffles closer until we’re shoulder to shoulder. “We don’t make a habit of hurting innocents.”
“Good, that’s good.” Relief sinks into me. I know they think Amalia is the threat, but I still can’t believe it. Call it misguided hope or intuition, but I feel like there’s a piece of the puzzle we’re missing.
“Earlier, when the four of us were talking. What did you mean?”
Endo twists his face to mine, his eyes glistening in the dim lighting. “I—”
“I have popcorn, chips and dip, and pretzels.” Cael appears, hands full of snacks. He hands some to me and Endo, and Ross gets comfy on the couch behind us, a big bowl of popcorn beside him.
After hitting the light switch and plummeting the room in darkness, Cael joins me on the floor. “Relax, Kitten,” he whispers offering me a warm smile. I manage to return it with a tight smile of my own before focusing on the wide screen TV as the movie starts.
The guys tuck into the chips and popcorn but I can’t eat. I’m too on edge. Again. It isn’t that the three of them intimidate me; I know they would never hurt me. It’s how easy they act when we’re together. Okay, so that statement might not apply to Ross, but he’s still here, acting as if there is nothing odd about this situation.
“Kitten, can you dial it down a bit?” Cael whispers, catching me off guard.
“I’m sorry.” It’s not like I can help my thoughts. Ever since I arrived at Atchison, my mind has been a busy place.
He drags my hand off my lap and tangles our fingers together, bringing it to rest on his thigh as if it’s the simplest thing in the world. As if it belongs there.
We watch in silence. I’m surprised to find that despite the tight knot in my stomach, I manage to at least follow the plot this time. About halfway through the movie, Cael leaves to use the bathroom. Endo has fallen asleep, his head propped back on the edge of the couch, his chest rising and falling with gentle snores. He looks adorable.
“Terra,” Ross’ voice surprises me. He’s been quiet until now, lying on the couch, legs kicked out in front of him. “Scoot forward,” he says, shuffling behind me. I inch forward while he swings his legs around, planting his feet onto the floor. “Thanks.”
I sit there unsure of what to do now his legs are in my spot. But Ross answers my unspoken question when his hand lands on my shoulder, tugging gently. I shuffle back until I’m nestled between them. “Thanks,” he whispers just as Cael reappears.
“I got more...” His eyes fall on me and Ross, but his smile doesn’t slip. “Chips. You guys want?”
“No, thanks,” I say, unable to meet his gaze.
He settles beside us, Ross’ leg creating a divide between our bodies, but if he’s upset, he doesn’t show it. There’s no hope of me enjoying the rest of the movie now; not with Ross’ legs caging me in, Endo asleep on one side of me, and Cael munching chips on the other. My mind is awash with 'what ifs'. What if Ross is trying to make some bold statement? What if he’s staking his claim?
“Kitten,” Cael’s voice is barely a whisper and I try to block him out. To throw up a mental barrier around my thoughts because now I’ve let them in, the questions won’t stop coming.
Something brushes the nape of my neck, pushing my hair over my shoulder, and my breath hitches when I realize it’s Ross. Ross is touching me. His fingers dance across my skin like a feather, and some of the tension ebbs away. But even with his touch calming me, I still breathe a sigh of relief when the credits start rolling.
“No matter how many times I watch that movie, it’s always as good as the first,” Cael says as he stands up and stretches. “And no matter how many times I watch it, he,”—he jabs his finger at Endo—“always manages to fall asleep.”
“Asleep? Who’s asleep?” Endo’s voice is sleep laden as he stirs.
“You have a little drool, dude,”—Cael points again—“right there.”
Endo flips him off, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “I was resting my eyes.”
“You were snoring like a bear.”
“Was not,” Endo grumbles and I bite back the urge to laugh.
“We should call it a night. Terra, you want me to show you to your—”
“I’ll do it,” Ross says, and Cael and Endo share a look.
“Sure thing, we’ll tidy up down here.”
I stand up, smoothing my hair back down, my skin still tingling along the nape of my neck. “Goodnight,” I say.
“Night, Kitten. Get some rest.”
“Sweet dreams, Glow Worm
I don’t even have the energy to scold Endo. Following Ross out of the room, my heart feels heavy.
“Did you enjoy the movie?” he asks.
“It was okay.”
“Only, you seemed... tense.”
Understatement of the year. I swallow the words. Ross doesn’t push me for answers and before I know it, we reach my room.
“Well, I guess this is me,” I rush out in an attempt to deflect the tension lingering between us.
Ross jams his hands in his pockets, stepping aside. He doesn’t utter a single word, but I can feel his emotions rolling off him in thick waves.
“Are you okay?” I swallow hard, staring up at him, willing him to talk to me. To finally let me in.
“You never have to worry about me, Terra.”
“Don’t I?” My question lingers between us. The flow of energy palpable. I want him to kiss me. To let down his walls and crush his lips to mine. But I know it’s a fool’s hope. Ross, for whatever reason, is unwilling to give in to the connection between us.
“You should rest.”
“Goodnight, Ross.” I silently plead with him to make a move, dejection rippling through me when he doesn’t. Without thinking, I push up on my toes and kiss his cheek. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
His intense gaze burns into my back as I slip inside the room, closing the door and inhaling a shaky breath. I’m about to start stripping out of my clothes when a soft knock sounds on the door behind me.
“Ross?” I gasp at the sight of him still standing there. He embodies a tortured soul. His eyes glitter with pain. His jaw clenched tight. “What is it? What’s—”
Curling his hand around my neck, he draws me to him, covering his mouth with my own. I’m so shocked, I can barely think. Ross is kissing me. Ross. Is. Kissing. Me. I clutch his t-shirt in my fingers, just to be sure this is real, that it’s not some cruel joke.
His touch is gentle. Unsure. Nothing like the brooding guy I know him to be. I deepen the kiss, pushing my tongue into his mouth and he groans... no, growls in response.