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Caged: A Reverse Harem Urban Fantasy Romance (The Gaia Chronicles Book 3) Page 9

  “Okay, so it’s not someone in the coven but it’s someone who had access to Earhart. Someone at school?”

  “Maybe. Whoever it is, they’re toying with you. Trying to scare you.”

  “They’re doing a pretty good job,” I say dryly.

  “The cloaking spell around the house is airtight. I doubled checked it this morning. Nothing, supernatural or otherwise, knows you’re here.”

  “But they got to me anyway.”

  “You were hexed before you left, which means—”

  “Which means whoever’s doing this wanted me caged up here with the guys so I’d what? Sex them to death?” I can’t believe I’m even thinking the words, let alone saying them.

  Violet stifles a laugh. “I think they wanted you weak and preoccupied and they played on Gaia’s one other weakness.”

  “The guys.”

  She nods but her attempts at reassuring me fail. I know what I have to do, and the guys aren’t going to like it.

  “You’re right. Which is why I need to unlock the rest of Gaia’s memories, and I need to do it now.”

  “Now?” Her eyes go wide. “But we’re not ready. The protection circle still isn’t—”

  “I’ve been hexed. Enchanted by a lust demon, and did the guys tell you they hunted a pack of hellhounds on campus? Hellhounds, Violet. Things are only going to keep getting worse. I have to do something before it’s too late.”

  I had hoped there was time to talk the guys around and do the spell here. But I realize now, there isn’t.

  “Are you sure the only other option is the auditorium?”

  Violet nods but then realization dawns on her face “Terra, what are you planning to do?”

  “Whatever needs to be done.” I push off the covers and swing my legs over the bed, pausing for a second to see how I feel. Surprisingly I feel strong. A ripple of determination pulsing through me. “Can you be ready tonight?”

  “Tonight? Maybe this isn’t—”

  “Can. You. Be. Ready?”

  “Yes.” She nods, and I return it.

  “Then I’ll be there. And one way or another I’ll get the guys there too.”

  “They’re not going to like this, Terra.”

  “No, they’re not, but it’s not their decision.” It’s mine. One I’m finally ready to make. “Unlocking Gaia’s memory could be the key to everything, and the longer we wait, the more chance there is of something else going wrong. We can’t keep waiting for the fight to come to us.”

  “Are you sure about this?”

  Pressing my lips together, I nod again. Because, what other choice is there? I can remain in the house, hiding and waiting. Or I can embrace my destiny and stand and fight. The spirit of Gaia ended up inside me for a reason. It’s time to see exactly what we can do.


  Violet left me to get ready. I gave her strict instructions not to allow any of the guys up here. I needed some time to think, to process everything I’d learned since waking from my two-day sleep out. The guys would never go for my plan now. They will want to wrap me up in cotton wool and keep me here forever. Their feelings toward me skews things. They want to protect me because I’m human. Because they deem me too weak to face this thing. But it is not their choice to make. Something I suspect Gaia knew all along. I may not be able to access all her memories yet, but I’ve learned enough to know she wanted them to stay in Elysia for a reason. And part of me can’t help but wonder if it’s because she knew that, in the end, they wouldn’t be able to step aside and let her/me do what needed to be done.

  So, I’ll do the only thing I can. I’ll force their hand. Maybe they’ll hate me for it, or maybe they’ll finally accept what I’ve been too scared, too confused to realize: I’m strong.

  And I can do this.

  The future of Earth depends on it.

  WHEN I FINALLY GO DOWNSTAIRS, I find four very grumpy guys brooding over mugs of hot chocolate and an untouched Monopoly board.

  “Don’t mind me,” I say as I bypass them to head to the coffee maker.

  “You had Violet cast a holding spell on us? Not cool, Kitten, not cool at all.”

  “A holding spell, I didn’t—she did that?” I had to give Violet props, she was braver than me where the guys were concerned. Or maybe not, considering what I was about to do.

  “We’ve been stuck here waiting for you to come down.” Endo stands. “Now you have we can leave again.”

  “Welcome to my world,” I shoot back at Endo who narrows his eyes.

  “Not the same thing.”

  “Really?” I arch my brow. “So if I tried to leave right now, you’re telling me you wouldn’t stop me?”

  “Terra,” Sol says at the same time as Cael warns, “Kitten.”

  “Don’t worry.” I hold up my hands. “I’m not going to do it, but don’t tell me I’m not a prisoner here.”

  “I think she came back wrong.” Endo mutters under his breath but Ross balls up a Monopoly note and throws it at him.

  “I’m joking; it’s a joke. By the gods, everyone needs to lighten up.”

  I drink my coffee watching the four of them, keeping my thoughts firmly on them and not me.

  Cael and Sol share a look and I know they’re trying to see past my facade. But they’ll find nothing.

  “Kitten, what are you—”

  “Sol,” I say cutting Cael dead. “Can we talk?”

  “I’m not sure that’s a—”


  He runs a brisk hand over his head, letting out a heavy sigh. “Sure.”

  “We’ll be outside,” I tell the others. My eyes flick to the board game. “The game won’t play itself.”

  Sol follows me out onto the decking at the back of the house. “How are you feeling?”

  “I feel fine, thank you.” I curl up on one of the chairs with my steaming cup of coffee clutched in my hand. “Whatever Violet did, it worked.”

  “She’s a powerful witch.”

  “She is. We’re lucky to have her on our side. She said some things... about us. What happened before I got sick, Sol?”

  He leaps to his feet and scrubs his face. “I’m sorry, Terra. I can’t do this.” He goes to leave, but my voice stops him in his tracks.

  “You will not walk away from me.”

  He turns slowly, his brows pinched.

  “Tell me what happened.”

  “Sometimes the truth is better left buried.”

  “I don’t believe that, and neither should you.” I hold his darkened gaze, daring him to disagree. “Sol, I’m a big girl. I can make a pretty good guess at what happened between us, but I’d rather hear it from you.” I don’t know why this is so important to me, but ever since I woke up and saw him sitting there, asleep in the desk chair, I've need to clear the air between us. Maybe it is better I can’t remember, seeing as whatever happened has him so eaten up, but it doesn’t stop me from pleading with him. “Sol please, I need to know. I deserve to know.”

  “You really want to hear this?” His voice takes on a defensive edge. “You want to hear how I finally let you in, only to ruin it minutes later? When you know the truth, you’ll never want to be around me again. So, I’ll ask you again, are you sure you want to know?”

  Standing, I look him dead in the eye and say, “Tell me.”

  His eyes glitter disappointment and regret and I feel him pull away. “After we argued, you went up to your room and dreamed about us, about the day Gaia told us not to follow her.”

  I nod, I can remember.

  “When you woke up, I was in your room. I wanted to apologize for the way I’ve treated you over the last few weeks. One thing led to another and we...” He sucks in a harsh breath. “I touched you. Watched you come undone over and over. It was the best fucking moment of my life.”

  So why does he look so cut up about it?

  “I wanted to take things slow. I think part of me was worried you’d realize what a horrible mistake you were making... but it
doesn’t matter anymore. Because I messed things up.”

  “Just tell me what happen— Oh my god,” I breathe out as the pieces finally fall into place. “Gaia, you thought she was...” Bile rushes up my throat.

  “I thought it was you, Terra, I swear. I thought you were right in the moment with me. It wasn’t until you wouldn’t see me the next day that I knew something was wrong. I failed you, and for that, I’ll never forgive myself.” He turns away from me, his pain rippling around us. Without thinking, I move toward Sol, laying my hand on his shoulder. “It was dark magic, Sol. I was hexed, and you got caught up in that. If anyone should be sorry, it’s me.”

  “Don’t do that. Don’t try to unburden me. I should have sensed the dark magic running through your veins. I should have known... but I was so desperate to touch you. To feel you. I lost sight of things.”

  “Sol, look at me.”

  A beat passes, and another. I can feel the tension pulsing through him. He’s in turmoil. The strong, loyal warrior who has given his existence to Gaia without question, no longer knows his place. But that’s something we have in common. The feeling of being lost. Powerless. Unsure.


  He turns slowly, his eyes gleaming so much emotion it sucks the air clean from my lungs. “I hurt you.”

  “I don’t remember. But even if I did, even if the memories return, it wasn’t us.”

  “That’s just it,” he grinds out. “It was. To me, it was us. It was you and me and it was everything I’ve ever wanted.”

  I bring my palm to his cheek. “It just means we get a do-over.”

  “A do-over?” His brows quirk up.

  “Yes.” My cheeks burn as I imagine it. Him. Me. Us.

  Sol sweeps his arm around me gathering me into his chest. “I am undeserving.”

  Curling my hands into his sweater, I anchor us closer as my body trembles. “I- I want you.”

  He pulls away, staring down at me. “You don’t know what you’re saying.”

  “You can deny it. Deny me, Sol. But it won’t change the fact that this is going to happen. One day soon we will have our moment, and this time it will be real.”

  Maybe it’s wrong to say the words, but he needs to hear this. Pushing up on my tiptoes, I kiss him. It’s only supposed to be a chaste kiss, a small token of things to come, but something in Sol snaps and in the blink of an eye, I find myself pressed up against the wall. His mouth devours mine. His tongue explores my mouth, kissing me so hard I can see nothing but him. Feel nothing but him.

  “Fuck, Terra,” he rasps, tearing his lips away and touching his head to mine. “You’re killing me here.”

  “I’m killing you?” I bite back a smile.

  “You should hate me.”

  “I don’t.”

  “You should walk away.”

  “I won’t.”

  “You should know it’s taking everything I have not to throw you over my shoulder and drag you upstairs.”

  It’s on the tip of my tongue to say ‘do it’ but I swallow the words. Untangling myself from his arms, I say, “For as tempting as that is, I think there are three guys inside wouldn’t appreciate you monopolizing my time right now.”

  “I can take them.” He deadpans and I’m not entirely sure he isn’t joking.

  “Sol, I don’t ever want to come between the four of you.”

  “And you won’t. But just so you know, when we do this thing, it’s you and me, Terra.”

  A shiver runs up my spine at the intensity in his voice. “Come on, let’s go back inside before they come looking for me.”

  Something has changed. I arrived at the safe house uncertain about everything. Me. Gaia. My place with the guys. But I feel different now. My head is finally accepting what my heart already knew. I am theirs and they are mine. I just have to trust Gaia knew what she was doing.

  I hold out my hand, and Sol stares at it. With a wry smile, I take the initiative, wrapping my fingers around his and pulling him toward the house.

  “Everything okay, Kitten?” Cael asks the second we enter the kitchen.

  “Everything is fine.”

  Sol stands beside me awkwardly while I stifle the urge to laugh. Endo’s eyes are wide, glittering with amusement, and even Ross looks impressed.

  “What the fuck are you all staring at me like that for?”

  “You’ve been Terra’d,” Endo says.

  “I didn’t break your nose the first time, but it can be arranged,” Sol grunts from beside me and I frown.

  “You tried to break Endo’s nose? When did this happen?”

  When no one answers, I continue. “Let me guess, it’s in my wiped memories? Brilliant, this is just brilliant.”

  “It wasn't a big deal,” Endo says sheepishly but I’m reeling.

  “Anything else I should know?” My eyes skirt over the three of them and finally up at Sol. “Well, I’m waiting...”

  “By the gods, it’s like she’s here,” Endo murmurs.

  “What did you say?”

  “I.. hmm, nothing. I didn’t say anything.”

  But I heard him, and I don’t know why but pride swells in my chest. And for the rest of the day, I hold onto it. Because something tells me, I’m going to need all the strength I can get for what’s about to come.


  “I think I’m going to head to bed.” I wriggle out from between Cael and Endo and stand.

  “You want me to walk you to your room?” Cael whispers, but I shake my head.

  “I’m fine. Stay and watch the end of the movie.”

  “I do love this one.” He stuffs a handful of popcorn into his mouth.

  “You love every movie. Goodnight.” I go to leave, but Cael snags my wrist and yanks me down, pressing a quick kiss to my lips. I can taste the sugary sweetness and can’t resist licking my lips when he pulls away. “Goodnight, Kitten.” He grins. “Sleep well.”

  I smile, my eyes darting to Endo who’s already asleep, his head smushed against a cushion. Ross is out cold too in his usual place sprawled on the couch. Sol clears his throat and my gaze slides over to him. He’s smirking, and I don’t need to be able to read his mind to know what he’s thinking. I tiptoe over to him. “I’m going to bed.”

  Fire ignites in his eyes and he says huskily, “Night, Terra.”

  “Goodnight.” I brush my fingers over his jaw and lean down pressing a kiss to his lips. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Sol buries his hand in my hair, deepening the kiss. “Tomorrow,” he says, and I meet his assessing gaze. He’s searching my thoughts, so I tighten my mental barriers. It comes easier now.

  Upstairs in my room, I send Violet a quick message and grab my backpack; the one I’d packed earlier when the guys were making dinner. I wait by my window projecting thoughts of brushing my teeth and putting on my pajamas. When my cell phone bleeps and I read her message, my heart-rate spikes. This is it. It’s now or never. I pull on my hoodie, throw the backpack over my shoulder and slip into the hallway. The faint rumble of voices filters out of the living room but it’s quiet. Without another thought, I take off down the stairs and head straight for the door.

  “Terra? Is that you?” Sol calls from the living room, catapulting my heart into my throat. I undo the latch and open the door. He’s moving now. I can hear his heavy footsteps. He's too late. I’m already slipping into the night, the headlights from Violet’s car visible at the end of the street. The door closes behind me just as I hear Sol shout, “Fuck.”

  I take off in a sprint. The cool air whips around my face as I skid to a halt at Violet’s car. She leans over and pushes it open, “Come on, we need to go like now.”

  Hopping inside, I slam the door, my heart beating so hard I can barely hear myself think.

  “Shit,” she mumbles but I’ve already spotted Sol. He’s in the middle of the road, staring at us, anger rolling off him.

  “Go. Go!” I yell, and she throws the car into reverse, pulling a U-turn in the middle of
the street. I half expect to feel the ground tremble underneath us. But as I watch Sol in the rear-view mirror, he’s just standing there, unmoving.

  “He looks really pissed.”

  “Just drive fast,” I say, feeling the knot in my stomach tighten.

  “They’ll be right behind us,” she says.

  “That’s the plan.”

  “Are you sure about this, Terra?”

  It’s too late for second thoughts. I left the safe house, putting us all in danger. But we need to know what Gaia knows.

  “It’s the only way.”

  “Okay,” Violet breathes out. “I just hope you know what you’re doing.”

  I thought I did. When I’d snuck upstairs earlier to pack my bag and get everything ready, I thought I knew what I was doing. But now I’m here, I’m no longer sure. Because since being in the safehouse I’ve come to rely on my connection to the guys for comfort. Our bond calms me. Makes me feel part of something bigger.

  Something important.

  “How are you holding up over there?” Violet’s voice cuts through the tension and I offer her a tight smile.

  Campus comes into view a few minutes later. The safe house can’t even be a ten-minute drive away. But it makes sense they would hide me in plain sight allowing them to travel back and forth with ease. It’s late, so the place is mostly deserted. Violet takes the road running around the perimeter of campus and parks in the parking lot behind the drama building. It looks even creepier from here.

  “Is everything ready?”

  She nods, climbing out of the car. “We should get inside, it looks like a storm is coming.”

  I look up at the sky. Angry clouds swell overhead, but I immediately realize they’re not storm clouds. “Crap,” I murmur and Violet’s head snaps over in my direction.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “That’s not a storm, Violet.”

  The clouds seem to swarm the whole of campus.

  “What the hell is that?”

  “It’s my welcome back party,” I say around a grimace.

  A crack of thunder erupts, and I swear I hear my name whispered on the gust of wind that picks up around us.